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卷十三 二五、得国际睦谊会征文奖金 |
(七月十二日追记) 有国际睦谊会(American Association for International Conciliation)悬赏征文,拟题凡四。其一为“Is there a substitute for force in international relations?”吾以此题可借以发表吾一年来对于武力问题之思想变迁,故作一文投之。作文之时,适君武先生在此,日夜不得暇,每至半夜以后,客散人静时,始得偷闲为之,草草完篇。但以既已作始,不欲弃置之,初不作奢望也。然此文竟得奖金百元,则真可谓倘来之财矣。 此文受安吉尔与杜威两先生的影响最大,大旨约略如下: IS THERE A SUBSTITUTE FOR FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL REIATIONS? Ⅰ.(1) "A substitute for force" meaning a substitute which shall not involve a use of force—such a substitute there is none. (2) Even the doctrine of non-resistance can only mean that, as Dewey points out, "under given conditions, passive resistance is more effective resistance than overt resistance would be. " (3) The real problem is to seek a more economical and therefore more efficient way of employing force:a substitute for the present crude form and wasteful use of force. Ⅱ.(1) What is the trouble with the world is not that force prevails, but that force does not prevail. The present war, which is the greatest display of force ever undertaken by mankind, has only resulted in a dead lock. Has force prevailed? (2) Why force has not prevailed?Because force has been wasted. Force has been so used as to create for itself a host of rival forces which tend to cancel itself.Under the present system, force is employed to resist force and is canceled in the process of mutual resistance and results in total waste and sterility. (3) In order that force may prevail, it must be organized and regulated and directed toward some common object. (4) Government by law is an example of organized force. (5) Organization of force avoids waste and secures efficiency. (6) The organizing of the forces of the nations for the enforcement of international law and peace. Ⅲ.Some details of the plan. 〔中译〕 解决国际争端有武力之外的方式吗? Ⅰ.(1)“武力之替代物”一语,即意味着该替代物不包括武力之使用,因而如此的替代物是没有的。 (2)正如杜威所指出,就连不抵抗主义的学说也能明白,“在一定的条件下,消极抗争要比公开抗争更为有效”。 (3)真正的问题在于寻找一种更为经济因而更为有效的使用武力的方法,一种能替代现下粗野、浪费的武力使用方法之方法。 Ⅱ.(1)这个世界所遇到的麻烦并不在于武力占了上风,恰恰在于武力不占上风。今天的战争使用了前所未有的强大的武力,但其结果只是铸成了一把打不开的死锁。难道武力能说是占了上风吗? (2)为什么武力未占上风?其原因在于它只是被白白浪费掉了。武力使用只是为自己树了一大帮结为死仇的敌手。在现今的体制下,武力与武力相对抗,并在相互对抗中遭到消灭,从而毫无用处地白白浪费。 (3)为使武力得以占上风,必须组织起来进行调整,将其引向某个共同的目标。 (4)合法政府是将武力组织起来的一个例证。 (5)武力之组织避免了浪费,并取得成效。 (6)把各国武力组织起来,强制推行国际间的法律和和平。 Ⅲ.计划的一些细节。 |
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