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卷九 三一、莎士比亚剧本中妇女之地位 |
(四月十二日) Shakespeare on Woman's position: I will be master of what is mine own. She is my goods, my chattels; she is my house, my household stuff, my field, my barn, my horse, my ox, my ass, my anything. And here she stands: touch her whoever dares. Petruchio—inTaming of the Shrew 〔中译〕 莎翁论妇女之地位: 凡吾所有之一切,吾是它们的主人。妇人乃吾之物什,乃吾之财产;妇人乃吾之房屋,乃吾屋之摆设,乃吾之田地,乃吾之谷仓,乃吾之马匹,乃吾之牛,乃吾之驴,乃吾之一切。瞧,她就立在这儿:有胆的就去碰一碰她。 ——帕特鲁奇奥:《驯悍记》 |
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