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卷八 一二、罗斯福昔日之言 |
(一月廿八日记) This nation's foreign policy is based upon the theory that right must be done between nations precisely as between individuals…. We have behaved, and are behaving, toward other nations as in private life an honorable man would behave toward his fellows. —Theodore Roosevelt:Message to Congress, Dec. 8, 1908. 〔中译〕 国家的外交政策理论应该把国家间行正义原则与个人间行正义的原则看作是一样的。……我们过去是这样做的,现在仍然是这样,那就是对待别国的行为一如一个君子在个人生活中对待他的同伴一样。 ——西奥多·罗斯福:《国情咨文》,1908.12.8 Justice and fair dealing among nations rest on principles identical with those which control justice and fair dealing among the individuals of which nations are composed, with the vital exception that each nation must do its own part in international police work. —T. Roosevelt:The Ossawatomie Address, August, 1910. 〔中译〕 体现在国际交往间的公正和正义的原则,与个人交往间的公正和正义原则没有什么不同。只有一个重要的例外,那就是每个国家还须完成他作为国际警察的那一份职责。 ——西奥多·罗斯福:《奥沙瓦托密演说》,1910.8. 不图罗斯福亦能作此言。 |
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